Column 2

Prominent Moral Theologian Denounces $750,000 Grant from CCHD to Pro-LGBT group

Column 1

Archdiocese of San Francisco Promotes “Pride,” Leather, and Di*k Cookies

Column 3

Bergoglio voices support of terrorist group Black Lives Matter movement.

Aligns with political Left

Column 1

Conservative corrects Archbishop Gregory

A leading conservative is calling on Washington’s archbishop to apologize for criticizing President Trump’s visit to the St. John Paul II National Shrine.

Column 1

Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now

Column 1

Pope Benedict XVI signals he was forced from power, in new Biography

Column 2

DC Archbishop Orders Priests to Protest President

Wilton Gregory violates civil rights of DC clergy

Column 3

Straight Talk on ‘The Vortex’, Church Militant.

Only some black lives matter, rioters bussed in, Gay Cabal Member Archbishop Gregory and more.

Column 1

Archbishop Vigano’ Slams ‘False Shepherd’ Gregory of Washington, D.C.

Vigano’ is still in hiding for fear of his life after pointing out errors of Bergoglio.

Column 1

FROM A CATHOLIC PRIEST FACEBOOK FRIEND: Please consider donating to Timothy Gordon who was fired from his job as a teacher at Garces Catholic High School in Bakersfield, CA, because he criticized Black Lives Matter. Tim has a mixed race wife, and six small kids, one of whom is handicapped and fresh from brain surgery.

The funds will be used to help cover living costs as Tim, the sole bread-winner of his large California family, lost his job at a Bakersfield Catholic High School after he defended  (on twitter and on his YouTube channel) rights of ALL colors of property owners and Americans against violent looters .  Tim was “let go” from a yearly contract job (after signing the next year’s contract) for exercising pro-America free speech.